Sunday, June 26, 2016

June 21,16

June 13,16

Well this week has been pretty interesting, at the beginning of the week we were struggling a little to teach and find people, but in our weekly planning my companion and I talked it out a little and we figured out some things that we need to do differente so that we can have some more success. Weel we put, what we had planned, into action and we ended up having a lot of success. It was pretty cool we had contacted a lot of the references that we had recieved and we ended the week with 8 news. It was pretty great! My companion and I were pretty happy with what we had done but we feel that we can do so much more! so this last week is going to rock! And finally we had a Lesson with Melissa! she was so hard to teach her these last few weeks but we finally could teach her! Also we had a pretty epic lesson with Erika and we totally killed the doubt that she has about Diezmos it`s just in her to pray and ask God if it`s real!

Umm I have no idea! They`re saying I might go in saturday, but it`s most likely that I`ll be going in midday on Sunday. 
Well With the zone we had a little party and we had cake! 
No I`m not going to email
I`m totally going to be flying with a ton of missionaries!.

June 7 16

So this weeks been pretty normal! We´ve been teaching some of our investigators and we´ve had some pretty epic lessons my companion and I decided that we need to ask more questions during the lessons so we can tell how the person is understanding and how they feel about what we´re teaching and it´s been going really good! Now I don´t have to talk as much we kind of ask a question and they talk then we talk and then they talk it´s pretty great! Also our investigators that we´ve got progressing are still progressing pretty great it´s just they´re super busy and we can´t hardly teach them! it´s super frustrating!!!! but there we are! Also there aren´t going to be very many pictures because I lost my camera on the bus ride home from the temple but here´s one picture!

I´m down with doing some moving stuff out! it´ls going to be aweosme!

I don´t need anything, it´s fine honostly 

ummm there isn´t anything special I would like haha just whatever you guys usualy get"! 

Monday, May 30, 2016

May 30,2016

Well this week was a little sad but at the same time pretty cool! This week we had an investigator that was going to get baptized this Saturday but she, like last week, got super busy with her family and lot`s of other stuff and she couldn`t go to her interview. She is super determined to get baptized it`s just right when she`s going to take that first step something happens and she can`t do it. My companion and I have done all possible to help her, we had planed to visit her before her interview and also we had been calling, but her phone is broken so that was useless. We were kind of upset that day but the miracle of the week is that our numbers didn`t go down actually they went up! we had a ton of lessons with members and that same day of the interview we found three news! Also we had visited some members and helped them to feel the spirit and to remember the importance of some things! So it was pretty cool! 

May 23,2016

Well this week has been pretty interesting! because well we had a baptism planned for this saturday but it didn`t happen because Melissa got super busy! from Tuesday the day we saw her until saturday in the morning we didn`t see her or teach her, and her brother had her phone so we couldn`t call her either, she literally disapeared! but we found her saturday morning and she told us that she was super sad that she couldn`t get baptized and she explained what had happened. She`s still super excited to get baptized actually she defended the church against her grandma from the states! she said that the church is a sect and Melissa told her ^How can they be a sect if they only believe in god? ^ and after a bunch of other stuff she told us at the very end she told her Gma that what ever happenes I`m getting baptized in this church!!!! she´s pretty cool! The rest of the week has been pretty good the best day of the week was Sunday because We had taught three amazing lessons with Less actives and their families! The spirit was so just en every one of them I just hope that they can make the best decisions!

Flight plans :)

Dear Brother Durrant, Sister Durrant, Bishop Siufanua and President Newman,


Elder Durrant is finishing his mission and we are glad to know him and serve with him during these last years. He is a great missionary, thanks for everything you did for him so that he could be here.


I will send you his itinerary from flight back home. He will travel on June 20.


If you have any question just let me know.




Élder Alcazar

Secretario Personal del Presidente

May 16,2016

Well this week was pretty cool! My companion and I have been trying to work as much as could witht he members this week like take them to appointments, etc. You couldn`t really see it very well in our numbers but they were there with us almost everyday looking for their friends, taking them to appointments that we had. It kinda sucked because almost every apointment that we had fell when we were with members but we had a lovely time getting to know the members a little more and finding out more about the history of our area! Also we`ve got an investigator thats progressing, actually she was supposed to get baptized this Saturday but she didn`t go to the stake conference so we had to postpone for the 21st of may! But she went to church yesterday so she`s going to get baptized this weekend!!! Awesome also with La hermana Erika we had talked to her and found out that she hasn`t really been reading the Book of Mormon so we`re with her on that! 

Ya that sounds like a good plan! 

It`s also your birthday!!!!!! Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!! 
No don`t worry about it I`ll be home soon enough. 

May 9,2016

Well this week was a pretty cool week! Melissa just keeps progressing it kinda sucks because her baptizme was for the 14th but shes didn`t come to church this week so her date fell but the 21st she`s going to get baptized! But other then that we got to see a baptizm of the Elders en my distict! Also I got to interview him, He`s a really good kid and has some really good goals! Then we had a stake conference in which a seventy came and gave an amazing talk! He said so much in so little time but it was truely amazing and it`s helped me make some more goals for the future! 

The transfers were good! I didn`t get transfered! 

May 2,2016

Well this week was pretty awesome! my companion and I decided to follow the advice of our President and start asking references from everybody even from the people we just barely met! As we starting doing it we didn´t see very much success but after we kept doing it asking everybody for refereces we found some people the gave us like 3-5 refereces in one and others 1 or 2 or nohing at all but at the end of the week my companion and I had 21 references! and we had been trying to contact all of the references we haven´t been able to contact all of them but we´re in the process and it´s really cool becasue a lot of the mpeople that we contact had either listened to the missionaries before or they were excited to meet us! so It was an awesome experience. Also we´ve got a couple investigators that are progressing and they are amazing! One of them´s called Erika I´ve talked about her before but she just keeps going and is amazing! and the other her name´s Melissa and she´s so cool, she reads every pamphlet that we give her and she doesn´t ever stop reading the book of mormon! it´s amazing! 

So Can we skype on saturday? President said it would be better if we could call on Saturday because of transfers but if you guys can´t it´ll have to be Sunday in the afternoon! ¿Saturday in the morning or Sunday in the after church

Sunday, May 1, 2016


Well this week was pretty great, First off because we had an awesome trainning with President and his assistance! We learned so much about how we need to act in finding new people and how it should be part of us and not just something we do! Also we learned a lot on how we need to treat all of the sons and daughters of God! It was truely amazing! Then two days later I got a call from the assistance, they told me they wanted to do and interchange with my companion and I. So I ended up going to trujillo to the area of the assistance with Elder Stephens, and Elder Sanchez came down to be with my companion. In this interchange i learned a lot! The biggest thing I learned in this interchange is how we need to love everybody! And Also Learned a little on how we need to take more responsibility for the things we are in charge of.

April 18,2016

Bueno esta semana fue muy genial porque hemos podido trabajar muy bien y tuvimos muchos lecciones con miembros! La hermana Erika no pudo bautizar porque tiene algunas duda todavía acerca de los diezmos y quiere tener un testimonio un poquito más fuerte de la Iglesia, pero tiene deseos de bautizar so algunas cositas! Otro que eso todo estaba muy bien esta semana y tenemos algunos investigadores quienes están progresando muy bien! 

I got my package! :D haha thank you!! 

April 11,2016

Well this week was pretty cool! This week my companion and I have been visiting a lot of members this week and doing somthing that we call 1x1. It`s when we go to the house of the members with a book of mormon. So what we do with it is that, with the members, we share our favorite verses in the book and we mark them with a highlighter. Afterwards we read the verse and share the reason why we like it(All of the people in the lesson participate). Then we leave the Book with them and also we make a goal with them that they can read these verses with one of their friends and give the book to them. Now what we`ve got to do is go and do some follow up to see how it`s going adn to encourage them! Also I had the opportunity to have a work visit with Elder Weber, in this work visit we talk about a lot of things and we both came out really edified. He helped me see the importants of make little goals and working little by little. We`ve also got an investigator whose going to get baptized this saturday!!! she`s super awesome and excited to get bapized her name is Erika! :D 

No I haven`t gotten it yet... 

ours starts at 8 am! 
It`s really good! I like it! 
Not really I haven`t herd very much about missionaries getting suits.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

April 4 2016

Well this week was awesome! Got my new companion and he is the best! We went around this week visiting members and investigators so that he can get to know them and their families! He´s from Ecuador, Iquito! and he´s got 4and a half months in the mission! Something that I´ve seen in him up to right now is that he really loves the people! Even though he might not see it in him I can see it! The conference was amazing!!! A lot of my questions were answered and just being able to feel the spirit so strong for so long made me feel really good and ready for whatever comes at me! Also I learned that I need to get better at a lot of things as a missionary, lider, and as a son of God! 

They went nuts!!! haha I was down stairs listening to it in english but us gringos! went nuts!!!!

It´s awesome!!! All of the misionaries from the zone looked at me funny because I had my suit! it was aweosme! 

He´s amazing!! :D
Ecuador, Iquito! 
No but he´s practicing! 

No I´ve got one last transfer! haha but I got the call for my flight plannign! haha so I´m coming home the 20th but I don´t know the scheduel of the flights but he said I´ll be getting that soon! 

They´re doing really good! no there aren´t any holes on the bottom. There are little things here and there but they´re still doing really good!

Mar 27 2016

I still haven´t gotten my suit tomorrow I´m going to get it! :D 

So this week was pretty great! The coolest thing that happened is that our investigator came with us to the sisters baptizm that the had! Afterwards she told us that she thought it was really intersting and when the people asked her jokingly when is she going to get baptized she kept telling everyone the 16 of april which is the date that we set with her! So we´re super excited! So transferes came and My companion is leaving! and I´m going to get a new one! his name is Elder Lopez"! I still haven´t met him but here soon I´m going to be able to met him! my companion Elder flores is oging to Casma my last zone! I´m super excited for him"! haha

March 23 2016

I did get my suit ordered and I got it for less that 100 dollars!! haha it`s awesome!
It should be done by saturday!
Transfers are this sunday! 
Because we went to the temple!

Well this passed week was really cool! becuase we were able to visit a lot of people and help a lot of people with some of the doubts! but the coolist part that happened this week was the an investigator, that we didn`t know, went to curch. She had been looking for a church to attend. One night she had a dream the she needed to attend the mormon church so she went and contacted some friends and she showed up on sunday! We still haven`t been able to teach her but we`re super excited to teach her! Also the trip to the temple was a wonderful experience, I got a lot of questions answered and a lot of my questions were answered with ¨I need to have more paciencia¨
Bueno esta semana que pasó fue genial porque hemos podido visitar muchas personas y ayudar con muchas problemas y dudas. Pero lo mas genial que sucedió esta semana que fue una investigadora, que nunca conocimos, a la iglesia. Ella estaba buscando una religión y una noche tuvo un sueño sobre la iglesia mormona y que necesitaba ir. Entonces se contactó algunas de sus amigas y asistió a la iglesia el domingo! Todavía no hemos tenido la oportunidad de enseñarle pero estamos muy emocionados! También el viaje al temple fue una experiencia maravillosa! Recibí muchas respuestas y muchas de mis respuestas eran que necesito tener paciencia!

March 14 2016

Bueno Esta semana nos fue muy bien, hemos podido ayudar a muchas
personas pero algo super genial que pasó esta semana fue que nuestra
investigadora fue a la iglesia! Hemos estado invitándola y tratando de
ayudarla a asistir pero nunca llego. Pero este domingo estábamos
llamándola a invitarla a que venga a la capilla pero no contestaba,
entonces mi compañero y yo llegamos a la capilla y nos sentamos
normal, empieza la reunión y entra la hermana Erika! estábamos tan
emocionados y nos sentamos con ella y algunos miembros vinieron a
saludarla y fue muy bonito!

so there`s a guy here that`ll do it I just need the money! :D I`m
talking to dad about it!
No i haven`t seen everybody else´s. please forward them!
oh hey and also Next week we`re going to be writing on tuesday not on
mondy so don`t freak out!

Testimony for YC

I feel like nephi... haha It´s hard for me to write about spiritual stuff because when you talk the spirit carries the words to their hearts! haha but I´ll try. can I do it in spanish? 

Bueno Me gustaría compartirles acerca de.... hahaha yeah   So I just want you guys to understand how important the gospel is. Before my mission I really didn´t understand anything, why the gospel was so important, the church, this, that, etc. But here in the mission I´ve learned that the gospel is the only way to be happy in the life! I thought I was happy with my videogames, movies, friends, and whatever other thing that I had. But I never fully understood that I was never fully happy with these things. I´ve had my wonderful, and very pactient parents my whole life that have taught me so much, and I never really thought much of what they said or taught. From my expierences, of what I´ve experienced up to right now, is that wickedness was never happiness. The things of the world don´t matter what does matter is God, Jesus, and the Spirit and after those three that family and the church. Right now maybe you don´t understand or you don´t feel the same, But I invite everysingle one of you to Read your Book of Mormon, Pray, and go to Church! Study as much as you can and if you do it you will see they blessings! You will feel as even more happy then you are right now. Also doing these three things will help you with what ever problem that you have Personal or in your Family. God wants us to read, pray, and go to church and putting your faith is him trusting that he will help you will see the blessings! I testify that God loves us and wants what´s best, I know that his son gave his life for us so that through him we could become like him,  and I know that the Spirit will guide you in all of you trails! I love all of you and wish the best for everyisingle one of you!   

                                                                       Elder Durrant 

Feb 29 2016

So this past couple of weeks were fantastic and really sad at the same time.... The fantastic part is that my companion and I rescued 2 members last week and this week! it was fantastic to see them go through this process of coming back to church! Also we were able to have success in our numbers this week with lesson that we`ve taught, and some new investigadors! and etc. But the sad part is that there was a fire in my area. My companion and I were contacting a less active family and a fire went up close by so my companion and I went to go help and see what was going on and as we were walking towards the fire the people were going nuts, crying, screaming for help, wanting to take all of their stuff out of their houses, etc.  it was crazy. we did what we could in some areas and we went to go help a member with her stuff. but in the end the fireman got there and turned off the fire! 

Hey so I talked to my president and he told me that I need to buy a suit coat! I´ve got my pants still just the coat I need! haha So I´m going to be asking around and finding out how much it´ll be. Because I´ts alot cheaper to buy a suit coat here then in the states! 

March 7 2016

so this week flew by really fast!!! my companion and I have been traveling a ton this week.. for some Blessings that the sisters needed and also for su investigator that they had, then also had to go back and have interviews so their investigators could get baptized, and some other things that we´ve been doing! but other then that the week was pretty great! we didnp´t have very much success in the numbers but we did get to help a lot fo people and feel the spirit! right now my companion and I are having some problems helping our investigators progress but we´ve made the goal and we´re practicing that we can speak a little more firm with the people and teach a little more clear so they don´t make any mistakes. It´s been going pretty well but we´re still getting better and it feels good to be able to hlep this people!  

They´re doing good, they´re getting help from a lot of people to be able to rebuild, actually they´re almos done just missing some pieces here and there. None of the members were afected by the fire all of their houses are okay! 

Feb. 22 2016

So this week has been really interesting because my companion and I have been visiting a lot of less actives and they told us the reasons why they left, and a lot of their stories are the same.... so my companion and I have decided that we`re going to go and visit members to see if they need help or to just share something with them so that they can keep progressing and feel the spirit! Also this week we saved a less active family!!!! The sister Olga and her husband Juan! They`re so awesome and amazingly funny! Sister Olge never lost her testimony (she`s one of the happiest people I know) she just got super busy and there wasn`t time to come to church but we saved them and their so excited to get back into the church activities and stuffs! :D 

Hey I also forgot I lost my suit coat!!1 hahaha we moved rooms and when we moved it got lost...... My companion put it in the car and we`re thinking that maybe somebody came up and took it... because we can`t find it and the owner of the car doesn`t have it.. haha I`ve still got my pants just the coat dissappeared

I love you guys!!! and have fun without me! :D haha

Sunday, February 14, 2016

February 8,2016

Well this week was pretty great! My companion and I have been working a little more with the less actives and helping them to progress and helping them return to the church! and we saw fruits sunday when a bunch of them came to church! haha I also had the chance to do a work visit with Elder Marichi who´s part of my district and he taught me a whole bunch but the main thing that he taught me is that we need to smile if we don´t smile we´re just working, but if we have a smile then we are doing what we love to do! Well it´s transferes and my cmpanion and I are staying also the sister in the district are satying the only one that´s leaving is elder Marichi! haha and a new misionary is coming here! so Elder Benally is going to train now so it´s going to be awesome!!! :D 

I hope I have one more transfer before I leave just to be able to get to know one more place would be awesome! But I really do love Los pinos though so i don´t really know it´s a real problem but that´s in the future! haha :D

February 1,2016

Bueno esta semana Se nos pasó rapidísimo, Realmente no sé como pero se fue rápido. Mi compañero y yo hemos estado haciendo nuestras practicas y se ve mucho en las lecciones. Hemos estado practicando mucho acerca del Como comenzar a enseñar para que cuando estamos afrente de nuevos investigadores mi compañero y yo ya sabemos que es lo que vamos a enseñar! Y ha sido muy eficaz. También tuve el privilegio de hacer un intercambio de compañeros con Elder Benally  Cual fue un día genial! Pude aprender mucho de el y de sus experiencias en la misión, también me enseñó algunas nuevas maneras de contactar personas! Elder Benally es muy bueno y tiene un amor muy grande para la gente y para la obra! También tuvimos un Bautizmo en el Distrito!! Los de 2 de Junio y fue algo extraordinario ver un bautizmo aquí en el distrito, ahora tenemos el reto de quien va a tener el próximo bautizmo! :D    

My apartment is awesome! haha 
It`s super hot here!!!!!! haha it`s not even funny I`m always just sweating!!! but it`s fantastic! 
He`s awesome!! We`re doing really good and getting the work done.. we haven`t had any baptisms yet but we`re working towards it! 
Well there`s really not any like restaurants here 

I love you guys Sorry my emails suck... haha 

January 26, 2016

so this week was awesome!!! So my companion and i decided to just work and we made a plan that we did with the district! We played a game and the game was ¨The companionship that could find the most new investigaros this week won and the rest has to pay up¨ so the district accepted! So we played hard this week My companion and I found 11 news this week and the other companionship of elders found 10 and the sister got a little discourged and got 3 but still they had gotten more lessons then the last week! but it was awesome!!! Also This weeek I got to go to the mission council meeting (usually only the zone leaders go, but president wanted all of the district leaders there too) So we went and talked about the mission and how we´re going to make this mission better! and I´m so excited!!! it´s going to be great! Also we got to go to the temple to receive revelation for our mission!!! It was an amazing week! Also my companion and I saw fruits this sunday... we didn´t have very many investigators in the church but 12 less actives came to church!! that was also amazing! I really love this work1 

This week was pretty great my companion and i were dead from the last Pday because we climbed a mountain and we were all just dead! haha so is wsa kinda rough trying to work but we still kept moving forward! We didn´t have a super successfull week but was still awesome to see the blessing that we had received!}

no the pin idea sounds awesome!!! 
No i got the shirts fixed!  
but i do need sport socks 

January 11, 2016

So this week was a little interesting because my companion and I didn´t have very much success in getting new investigaros or having very many lessons but we got a ton of references from the ward! So we feel satisfied about our week! The way we contacted our tnews this week was pretty funny! because we had been doing some contacting up the mountain a little ways and we had some contacts but nobody really didn´t want to listen, we actually talked to a catholic guy who asked us how can he find peace and happieness in this life and Basically we told him that through Jesus Christ and his atonment, and when we ended he told us that we were wrong and this and that, It was really funny actually but we left and started walking down the hill because it was getting close to lunch time so we started going back and this little guy that was a little further down, looked up and was just surprised at how tall I was!! So he went screaming at all of his family and friends to come see how tall this big white guy is! So some people came out and we taught them a lesson and took out some appointments! It was pretty great!

No I´m just a leader but he´s my secretary!!! ;) haha 

No we just have our pentionist and we eat with her everyday and we share the pention with another companionship! :D

Sometimes but not very often!

Yeah! haha it´s pretty awesome!

I love you guys!! :D 

January 4, 2016

So this week was pretty great! it was super sad leaving my old area and all of the people I got to know there. My new area is called Los pinos in Chimbote! haha and it`s really awesome! it`s a bunch of hills like we have to go up and down the mountain all day but it`s great! The members are awesome and most of them have a desire to do misisonary work! Getting used to this area has been a little hard because my last few area have been really different the people weren`t as prideful as the people here but I take it as a challenge, now I`ve got to find a new way to teach to keep the attention of the people! My companion and I are super excited and we`ve got some plans and ideas of how we`re going to work here! My companions name is Elder Flores, He`s from Arequipa, Peru and he`s got like 7 months in the mission! He`s really great! a little shy with people he doesn`t know but when he gets to know you he`s amazing! he`s been in this area for about 3 months now but for one month he wansn`t here. Because his companion went home early and he had to go to a different area with a different elder so we`re basically opening an area! I`m still district leader and I have a district of 3 companionships. 2 companionships of Elders and 1 of sisters! and they`re fantastic and every single one of them are ready to get working! As of right now we donp`t have very many investigators but here soon we`re going to get some! :)
We totally stayed up until midnight! :D haha it was awesome but I couldn`t record because if people saw that I had my camera They`d probably rob me! haha
It was great!! :D haha
No just 45 min away from san jacinto! 
He`s really good! 
He`s from Peru, Arequipa!
 We`re by the beach yes! :D 
Well before It was really big! haha but we`ve moved now to a smaller room! :D 
The ward is really good! but it`s got it`s problems! 
My neibhors right now are other misionarys!!! haha
no.. haha it`s probably the same or a little smaller, My last areas have been really big

Dec 28, 2015

Hey So this week was pretty stressful but really awesome at the same time! We did a lot of traveling this week, for a lot of christmas stuffs! haha my companion and I have been running around a lot this week but in the end it was awesome! Also I got to talk to my family which was amazing, and it`s incredible how big everyone is getting! haha but I hope I`m still the biggest! Also all of our district had baptizms this week!!!!! It was so cool! but we`re so far away so we couldn`t have a Noche Blanca but we all had an expierence really special! So our investigator that got baptized was Billy! So Also I`ve got transferes I`m going to be in Chimbote Los pinos! haha I ahve no idea where that`s at but that`s where I`m going hah! ;D

Dec 22, 2015

 So this week was pretty great because First off we´re going to have a baptizm this saturday!!! Billy is going to be baptized! Hermana Marcela her baptizmal date fell and so she can´t get baptized until the 9th of january but she´s going to get baptized! Also this  week we had a christmas Devotional which was pretty awesome! and my zone got to sing!! :D it was pretty great! Sorry I don´t have very much to write about we´ve been super crazy these last few weeks traveling and what not... haha

I´m going to call from our house chapel! 
We just recently had a christmas devotional and also we´re going to have a mini party as a zone! 
He´s going to! :D
Ya! we´re doing a lot better!
So at 10 in the morning! :D for me at 12! 

Dec 22, 2015

Dec 7,2015

Nov 30,2015

 Esta semana fue muy interesante, Porque La investigadora de mi compañero y yo (Hermana Marcela) no estaba leyendo, y estaba orando pero no hizo su pregunta de saber la verdad. Entonces mi compañero y yo hicimos lo que Elder Uceda nos enseñó! fuimos Leemos El Libro de Mormón, contestando una pregunta de ella, y nos arrodillamos con ella y le decimos, Hermana ahorita usted puede hacer su pregunta para saber si las cosas son verdaderas. Ella hizo su oración y cuando terminó empezó a llorar pero no como bebé sino solo algunas lagrimas. Le preguntamos cómo se siente, y ella nos dijo Raro, Entonces el miembro que teníamos con nosotros dijo que esto es su respuesta y Dios diciendo que esto es verdad. Fue una experiencia muy espiritual y tan genial! jaja

I have recieved my package!! :D and who is mckenzie ferons?? haha I recieved a leaf from her! haha tell her thank you! and also to all of the ward! :D

no (knocks on wood!) I don`t ever go see a doctor (again knocks on wood)  

So about the pictures it`s because they`ve told me that I can`t use Drop box.. haha so I can`t send the pictures like that! 

Nov 23,2015

Haha so this week was really interesting because my companion and I invited one of our investigators to get baptized and she excepted!!!! it was awesome! because she´s told us that she´s been investigating a lot of churches but she hasn´t really felt good in any of the them but 2 weeks ago when she went to church she told us that she felt really good and that she really like the meeting!! She didn´t go this week because she got sick but she sent her child in her place! haha yeah but she´s super excited and really nervous for her baptizm! 

They´ve told me that i´ve gotten my package but I still haven´t seen it. it´s en the room of the zone leaders! It sounds like lot´s of crazy stuff is going on over there! I hope all of you have fun! :D

Nov 16,2015

So this week was pretty cool because I got to have a work visit with Elder Collazos! it was really awesome!! I learned a couple things that I need to get better at but it was a really cool expirence! After that my companion came back and we went to a sister that is in our branch and we got some references from her and then we went and tryed contacting as much of them as posible but not very many were home!.. After that we went out with a member for like 5 hours visiting people, and his friends, less actives, and much more! it was pretty cool, even cooler is we contacted a reference from a sister and the references accepted us and we taught her a little and then in sunday she came to church!!!!! it was awesome! and after the meetings she told us that she really liked it and the next sunday she´s going to bring her children! :D 

Ya we got like a little nokia phone! :D haha 
No we don´t have IPads it´s becuase if we did they would rob them from us! :D haha
No our church doesn´t but some do! 

Transfers are today! I´m not being transfered I stay here for another 6 weeks with my companion! 
Umm They haven´t told us anything about the rules on calling but we´re going to have a meeting soon to talk about this.. I think.. :D
1 Josué 1: 6-9